NIS D- Ring Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
The Parent Teacher Association is a volunteer body of teachers and parents who help organise school events.
The main aims of the PTA are:
To encourage closer links between home and school.
To strengthen links between home, school and community
To encourage an interest in the educational processes of the school
To engage in a range of activities and events of all kinds, both social and educational – to further enhance
the life of the school.
The day-to-day running of the PTA is in the hands of a small committee of elected members that are agreed at the PTAs inaugural meeting at the start of each new academic year.
Are you interested in enhancing your child’s experience at school? - do you have fresh ideas? – if you do, we encourage you to get involved. You won’t be expected to attend every meeting or take on anything that doesn’t suit your other commitments. If you want to find out more, please contact the School Reception and ask to make an appointment to speak with any member of the SMT.
We do hope you will consider getting involved and so look forward to working with you in partnership, for the benefit of all the children.
Pauline Penney