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back to Home Page » Extracurriculars Activities » NIS Lagoon » Pupils’ Participation in Extracurricular Activities (ECA)

Pupils’ Participation in Extracurricular Activities (ECA)

At NIS Lagoon a variety of activities are offered to pupils to participate in after school. Our aims are:

  • provide opportunities for pupils to develop spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and socially – provide activities that develop our pupils’ spiritual development such as clubs for memorising Hadeeth and memorising Quran
  • provide sports activities which teach the values of self-discipline and cooperation as well as the spirit of competition and good sportsmanship as well as providing the chance for our teams to take part in inter-school football matches.
  • provide opportunities that develop pride, interest in and appreciation for the school.
  • provide opportunities for cultural growth and expression are offered through our Qatar Identity, Drama and Choir ECAs as well as Arts and Crafts.
  • support and challenge our pupils in academic areas, such as Homework, Phonics, Reading, Arabic Reading, Arabic Writing and Maths


Newton International School considers pupil involvement in extracurricular activities to be a valuable part of a school’s education program. Our ECAs teach sound health habits and safety techniques in all sports and extracurricular activities. A choice of paid ECAs are offered each term.
